
Rockin' JC Ranch

Website: www.rockinjc.com

Joe & Cindi West, owners of the Rockin’ JC Ranch, want to share our mission to ensure the future of agriculture through genetic conservation and the promotion of endangered breeds of livestock and poultry.

The breeds we have at the Rockin’ JC Ranch are threatened because agriculture has changed. Modern food production now favors the use of a few highly specialized breeds selected for maximum output in a controlled environment. Many traditional livestock breed have lost popularity and are threatened with extinction. These traditional breeds are an essential part of the American agricultural inheritance. Not only do they evoke our past, they are also an important resource for our future.

At the Rockin’ JC Ranch, we are working to conserve rare breeds and genetic diversity in livestock through environmental stewardship.

We will also provide a 374 acre haven for heritage breeds to come live and thrive.

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