Hardin's Natural Foods
Website: www.wackyapple.com
USDA Certified Organic
Hardin’s Natural Foods has partnered with three local companies to provide their products to Local Farms First. Here’s a brief description of the three companies:
Wacky Apple Company was started two years ago to product healthy, 100% organic, Colorado grown fruit products for kids. We began selling our products into various Colorado school districts and now have a cool, kid-friendly retail package.
Kids love our fruit leather, applesauce and juices.
Avalanche Cheese Company, based in Basalt with a goat farm in Paonia. Wendy and Kevin make the best local goat cheese around! We are very enthusiastic about it around here.
Wholly Whole Grains is our own company. Born out of a desire to have 100% organic, wholegrain pancake mixes we developed these products last year and produce them right here on Hotchkiss.